Blog Post: What’s in a Shared Identity?
Check out this blog post where my colleague, Dr. Thai Le, and I talk about the promise of multiracial coalition building.
Blog Post: Because he believed in me
A personal reflection on an important important mentor in my life and a civil rights icon- Professor Charles Ogletree.
Blog Post: How to network in college without losing your soul
This blog post summarizes insights from a research study focused on understanding how Black undergraduates network in college- an important, but racialized process.
Podcast: Preparing for College and the Question of Charter Schools
This episode of "Burn Rubber: Where Education Research Meets the Road" covers the controversial topic of charter schools from the perspectives of former students and staff.
Article: Charter Schools Go to College
Quoted in Education Next concerning the need for stronger systems of communication between high schools and higher education as well as the efforts of alumni advisors who follow their high school graduates along their college and career pathways.
Video Podcast: The Modernization of Higher Education
On this episode of the Black Doctoral Network's Conversation Starters series, we discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on the future of higher education.
Podcast: An Emerging Scholar
Check out the Black Social Capital Podcast for discussions about what to know and who to know if you are interested in higher education research.
Podcast: Equity & The Digital Divide
Listen in as I join Jeff Passe, the former Dean of the College of Education and Integrative Studies, to discuss educational equity and the digital divide.
Article: Student Success & COVID-19
Quoted in The Washington Post, I discuss the long-term impacts of COVID-19 and the implications of this global pandemic on student success in higher education. I emphasize the compounded effects on low-income, first-generation, students of color and the need for direct-service advising.
Podcast: Educational Equity
Through a conversation with Bryant, host and USC graduate student, I discuss my educational journey, pathway into careers focused on college access & success, and current research about educational equity as a doctoral student.
Blog Post: The Anti-Patriots Fan
This blog post offers a personal reflection on the tensions of being born and raised in the northeast, yet perpetually asked, "...but, where are you really from?" I explore my familial background, past experiences, and the political intersections of sports and assumptions about what it means to be American.